Vehicle Environment Terrain Response Application Control System

A Revolutionary System for Monitoring Traffic and Controlling Traffic Signals

Have you ever found yourself frustrated by time wasted sitting at dumb traffic signals? How can we have men on the moon, an international space station, and cars that drive themselves, yet we sit at empty intersections waiting on a stupid light to give the go-ahead because it couldn't see us coming? How many of us have been stopped by a traffic signal that was giving a green light to nobody because the car that triggered the signal is already gone... It turned right on red? Countless times I've been in a line of cars at a left turn light, where not everyone got through. Then everyone else, in all the other lanes of traffic, have to wait for the light to cycle all the way through all the other lanes and come back to the turning lane. If the light could have seen that there was only a couple more cars, it would have waited a couple extra seconds and the turning lane would have cleared. Wouldn't it be great if you were approaching an empty intersection and before you even took your foot off the accelerator it gave you a green light because the signal realized there was no cross traffic?

A quick research of the topic will show that over a dozen patents have tried to make traffic lights better, but all were based on cameras, and almost none have been implemented. Nobody until now has patented a system using Lidar, ultrasonic and other sensors like autonomous cars use to "see" in 3-D. There's a big difference between vector images and raster (cameras) along with their computational burdens. So we set out to design a system of long distance detection (from a mile away, in every direction, including hills, valleys and curves). A system that could identify differing vehicles and anticipate what decisions needed to be made in order to maximize flow through any given intersection in real time. Imagine eliminating millions of tons of CO2 emissions, and helping national productivity at the same time. It's staggering how much time Americans waste sitting at dumb traffic lights. So we have created a system that piggybacks on existing infrastructure and anticipates the constantly changing needs of traffic flow and adjusts on the fly. A system that autonomously anticipates how to maximize the flow of traffic through an intersection, instead of reacting after a car rolls over a loop of wire in the road, or into the field of view of a camera.

Sports teams are using vector based imaging to track pitches, basketball teams use it to capture shooting percentages, several car companies use it for autonomous driving. Yet every day millions of people waste their lives sitting at intersections because a traffic signal has no way to make decisions concerning flow maximization. All the technology needed to revolutionize the industry already exists, yet we're forced for now to run over loops of wire buried in the ground... Until Now!